Unlike sector-specific regulators, the Indian competition authority, the Competition Commission of India ("Commission"), is of recent vintage. In fact, although the Indian Parliament enacted competition legislation in 2002, the substantive provisions of this law are not yet in force. Pursuant to ...
Therefore, examining the mecha- nisms in which systemic risk spills across sectors in a financial market is of great significance for both investors and regulators. Indeed, understanding the sectoral volatility spillover mechanism can help market participants to consider their invest- ment strategies in...
A string of judgments by Indian courts have downgraded the Competition Commission of India's position in the adjudicatory hierarchy by requiring it to await the findings of sectoral regulators before initiating its own investigation. This article argues that the reasons advanced for deferring the ...
Developing countries are increasingly concerned about the growing pollution levels in cities. Because of the lack of reliable information on the nature and magnitude of emissions/discharges from various industrial sources it is difficult for regulators to formulate cost-effective strategies for industrial ...
The findings on sectoral efficiency in India have important implications for policy makers, mutual funds, portfolio managers and investors at large. Weak form inefficiency in Bank, Metal, PSU Bank and Realty sectors is suggestive of exploitable arbitrage opportunities in these sectors. The regulators ...
Risk transmitters such as the financial and industrial sectors should be closely watched by regulators and investors with exposures to risk takers, i.e. sectors such as Energy, Basic Materials, and Real Estate. Sharp increases in the TCI related to market tensions should b...