Policymakers should prioritize enhancing transportation, infrastructure, and the establishment of maternity waiting homes in underserved regions. Community-level education and outreach, particularly through health extension workers, can raise awareness and increase participation in ANC and postnatal care. ...
Interviews conducted by the NCHS well trained professionals in individuals’ homes, and extensive physical examinations were conducted at mobile exam centers (MECs). More information is shown elsewhere: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhanes/index.htm. Initially, there were 41,209 adults in the database...
In summary, access to supermarkets, fast food restaurants, access to parks and recreational areas (for MI only), are associated with odds of CVDs before adjusting for BMI. However, adjusting for BMI fully attenuated these associations. Rate of violent crimes, living near high traffic and noise,...
Researchers visited participants in their homes or schools/learning institutions and provided a participant information sheet and assent form (if aged 12-15 years) or consent form (if aged 16 years or older) to participate. Parent consent was also required for participants aged under 16 years. ...
Singapore's parks were audited for 30 micro-features, then geospatial analysis characterized micro-features scores for parks nearest to participants' homes. Adults (3,435) reported their park use and park-based physical activity. Using linear regression models, we found living near a park with ...
Among these, 5 (4.9%) of them died within few minutes of arrival at the emergency OPD while 9 (9.4%) of them were sent back to their homes within few minutes to hours of stay at emergency OPD. On the other hand, 50 (52.1%) of the study participants were made to stay in the ...
In MESA Air, time-activity data from the entire MESA cohort confirmed that study participants spent most of their time in their homes; the elderly or Chinese participants spent relatively more time in their homes [47]. Future analyses will assess whether our estimates of health effect are ...
As overall numbers living in care homes have reduced, prevalence of both functional and cognitive impairment in residents has increased [20]. This could explain the pronounced association in CFAS II compared to CFAS I of those with a health condition and dementia using care workers, home help ...
In MESA Air, time-activity data from the entire MESA cohort confirmed that study participants spent most of their time in their homes; the elderly or Chinese participants spent relatively more time in their homes [47]. Future analyses will assess whether our estimates of health effect are ...
As overall numbers living in care homes have reduced, prevalence of both functional and cognitive impairment in residents has increased [20]. This could explain the pronounced association in CFAS II compared to CFAS I of those with a health condition and dementia using care workers, home help ...