support to the exploitation of domestic oil and natural gas, establishment of the strategic petroleum reserve by following the lead of IEA member countries, as well as expansion of oil and gas import sources by advancing oil and gas cooperation with Russia and Central Asian countries and constructi...
Official Notes Abstract of Minutes of Meeting of Board of Trustees Held May 28, 1950 The Board of Trustees met with the Coordinating Committee on Sunday, May 28, and, after approving for referral to the Board of Trustees a statement of policy submitted by Whitaker and Baxter, it took up ...
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According to the forecast of the International Energy Agency (IEA), by 2024, renewable energy will account for 32.3% of global electricity supply (28% in 2021), with a compound annual growth rate of 7.8% between 2022 and 2024. In addition, according to the forecast of the IRENA, to ...
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