22. See generally McNamara, The District of Columbia Landlord and Tenant Court: An ObsoleteStructure in Need of A recent Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decision held that an exculpatoryclause was invalid as eviction case of Edwards v. Habib, 397 F. 2d 687, 700-01 (DC CirHaley, Robert E...
The ошо LANDLOHD-TENANT act of 19741 makes significant substantive and procedural changes in the law of Ohio. It not only represents landmark legislation, but it also perpetuates the momentum necessary for future developments in an area of the law that isBaillis, Albert A...
of negligence in failing to removeice and snow after he had made it a practice to do so over a long period of time.Campion, John ECase W.res.l.rev
Current Status of Landlord Liability for Injured Guests of Ohio Tenants: An Evaluation of Shump v. First Continental-Robinwood Associates, 644 N.E.2d 291 (Ohio 1994), TheCA-3452, 1989 Ohio App. bedrooms.90 According to a neighbor, the smoke detector did soundat some point after the fire...
With one exception noted later, Ohio courts have been loathe to accept the fact that enforcement of housing codes has been singularly ineffective on a large scale. Without an implied covenant of habit- ability in rental agreements, the indigent tenant today, living in squalid conditions and often...
In Part II, the effects of lead exposure on children and the number of children at risk in Ohio are briefly examined to clearly define the problem. Part III describes the lack of federal involvement in the area of lead poisoning in private residential housing. Parts IV and V examine the ...