The Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Amendment) Regulations 2016doi:2016 No. 944介绍性文本1.引用,生效和解释2.程序令修正案3.杂项规定条例修正案签名解释性说明
The amendment addresses the need to include a referencetosection97M(5),in additiontoareferencetosection97M(1), in the proposed section 97M(8). 修正案提出在 建議的第97M(8)條,除了要提及第97M(1)條外,還需要提及第97M(5) 條。
Scotiabank 5 To be effective, the amendment to increase the number of shares issuable under the Stock Option Plan and the change to the amending provisions must be approved by a resolution passed by a majority of the votes cast by shareholders at the meeting. The resolution to be presented ...
The Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Procedure and Consequential Amendments) (Amendment) Order 2015doi:2015 No. 797介绍性文本1.引文,开始和申请2.城镇和乡村规划(第62A节申请)(程序和相应的修订)20133号命令的修订.在第2(1)条(解释)中—(a)在"安装"定义之后,在第14条(申请...
SI 2015/797 Town and country planning (section 62A applications) (procedure and consequential amendments) (amendment) order 2015Legislation UK
SI 2013/3194 Town and country planning (development management procedure and section 62A applications) (England) (amendment no.2) order 2013Legislation UK
The Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Hearings) (Amendment) Rules 2016doi:2016 No. 955介绍性文本1.引用和开始2.城镇和乡村规划修订(第62A节申请)(听证会)规则2013签名说明
The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 2014doi:2014 No. 1532介绍性文本1.引文,启动和申请2.城镇和乡村规划修正案(开发管理程序)(英国)20103号法令.城镇和乡村规划修正案(第62A节申请)(程序和相应修正案)20134号法令.在第...
SI 2014/1532 Town and country planning (development management procedure and section 62A applications) (England) (amendment) order 2014Legislation UK
SI 2013/2932 Town and country planning (development management procedure and section 62A applications) (England) (amendment) order 2013Legislation UK