Section 66A of IT Actcontroversy from constitutional angleTechnology changes the dimension of the society. Obscenity in electronic form, morphing of images, defamation, text bullying, stalking, spamming, unsolicited edoi:10.2139/ssrn.2208555S. K. Jahangir Ali...
The bench, consisting of Justices Chelameswar and Rohinton Fali Nariman struck down Section 66A of the IT Act, ruling against the Central government, which had defended the section. Reading the judgement, Justice Nariman said that there are “three aspects of freedom of expression: discussion, a...
accordance with a form referred to in subsection (1)" from the proposed new section 66A(2) and clearly stipulating in PDPO that a respondent's [...] 涂謹申議員建議從擬議新訂第66A(2)條 刪去" 不論是否按照第(1)款提述的格式 作出的" ,並在《私隱條例》清楚訂 明,如答辯...
applicationofsection11,paragraph 1, thirdsentence,ofthe Residence Act), this deadline has [...] 如是合法的,终局和绝对的驱逐(即受驱逐的有关外国人(在规定的期限内) 没有提出上诉)也构成禁止入境和居留的理由;只有在驱逐的效果受时间限制时, ...
Section 66 A of the I.T. Act2000 (amended in 2008)Therapeutic JurisprudenceCyber bullyingOnline TrollingOnline Gender HarassmentSection 66 A of the Information Technology Act 2000 (inserted vide amendment in 2008) was struck down by the Supreme Court in the recent case of Shreya Singhal...
Section 66AFreedom of SpeechSignal FailuresWe find that an unconstitutional provision, Section 66-A of the Information Technology Act 2000, continues to be used by police departments across India in prosdoi:10.2139/ssrn.3275893Sekhri, Abhinav