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French, German, Italian and Romansh. The kicker is that there is also a sector for English, which of course is not an official language. The English sector has a Classified Compilation of Swiss legislation. For example, under the heading Private...
“Application des Réactions Nucléaires à l'Analyse Chimique” 3 A, rue de la Férollerie 45045 Orleans Cedex (France); LEP—3, avenue Descartes 94450 Limeil-Brevannes (France); RTC—La Radiotechnique Compelec Bp 6025 14001 Caen (France); THOMSON CSF 91 Corbeille (France)): Contribution ...
As of 31 December 2021, the Group also had no forfeited contribution balances available for such purposes; and Pension plan In 2021, the Group has a total of 75 retired individuals who enjoy the basic pension insurance granted by the local social security bureau. The Group has established a ...
(490,414) (156,002) 8,514 (1,427,214) 1,168 (230,247) (1,547,749) 731,663 4,890,384 156,511 $ 5,778,574 13 TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION and its consolidated subsidiaries For the years ended March 31, 2023 and ...
-9- (8) Schedule 3.15(h) lists (A) the Company's Tax basis in its assets as of December 31, 1998 and as utilized in the Tax Returns and (B) the amount of any net operating loss, net capital loss, unused investment or other credit, unused foreign Tax, excess charitable contribution...
Mueller ( 1996 ), A lithospheric cross-section through the Swiss Alps; II, Constraints on the mechanical structure of a continent-continent collision zone , Geophys. J. Int. , 127 , 399 – 414 .Okaya, N., Freeman, R., Kissling, E., Mueller, St., 1996. A lithospheric cross-section ...
Retirement Savings Plan because of the Code Limitations, and which the Covered Employee has elected to defer pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Restoration Plan, shall be credited to such Deferral Account as of the last day of the calendar month to which such contribution is ...
The Tielugou section, Shennongjia Anticline, Hubei Province (China) includes a relatively complete succession of Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) to basal Te
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