Restoration Plan is to provide benefits, on a non-qualified and unfunded basis, to certain employees whose benefits under The NationsBank Retirement Savings Plan are adversely affected by the limitations of Sections 401(a)(17), 401(k)(3), 401(m) and 402(g) of the...
(A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) Stock Code:1839.HK / 301039.SZ 2022 ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report 2022 1 SECTION I IMPORTANT NOTICE, CONTENTS AND DEFINITIONS The Board, the Supervisory Committee, the Directors, the Supervisors and ...
highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world, along with other factors s uchInatshteheUnimitepdacSttoatfeas,cionltderwesatvrea.tHesoiwncerveear,seedcosnteoamdiclyadcutievitoy sintaflratteidontofupeilcekdubpyasgtraoing, mcoaninsluyminermsapneunfdaicntguraindg aintdiguhsttrileasb,otrhmanakrs...
SECTION 1.2 Exchange Consideration. The Consideration which ZEFER shall issue and pay to the Equityholders at the Closing for all of the Units and in consideration of the agreements and covenants of...