1 Replies Utkarsh Agrawal 04 August 2018 Can section 233 (3) crpc application be dismissed only on ground that witness which has been called is already examined as prosecution witness? Any case law? Leave a reply Your are not logged in . Please login to post replies Click here to ...
2023) was inserted in Indian Penal Code. There has been lot of judicial pronouncements and there has been changes in CrPC, which has affected how 498a (Husband or relative of husband of
PIM/4/CRP_OVERFLOW:In VPN instance "[vpn-instance-name]", C-RPs overflowed when the RP was matched. (FlCode=[STRING][ULONG]) Description The C-RP overflowed. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning [vpn-instance-name] Indicates the name of a VPN instance. FlCode Indicates the name of...
This study evaluated the feasibility of maternal C-reactive protein (CRP) in amniotic fluid (AF) as a predictor of post-partum infection in women who undergo emergency or elective caesarean section (CS). AF bacterial culture and levels of hs-CRP in mater
The 235U capture cross section has a large difference from 30 keV to 1 MeV in the latest nuclear data libraries (Chadwick & Trkov, 2016; Iwamoto & McKnight, 2010; Mingrone, Vannini, Calviani, Ferrari, & Wallner, 2017), which leads to differences in the prediction of nuclear calculations ...
In particular, they were included at large partonic center of mass energy as well as from 1/mt terms [37–40] and they amount to 1% correction. Recently, in [41], the exact top quark effects were included at NNLO for all the channels and this results in a decrease in cross section ...
A (2016) 52: 170 DOI 10.1140/epja/i2016-16170-6 Regular Article – Experimental Physics THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A Neutron capture cross section measurements for 238U in the resonance region at GELINA H.I. Kim1,2, C. Paradela3, I. Sirakov4, B. Becker3, R. Capote5, F. Gunsing...
[1] 李胜云 ,魏薇 .围手术期非故意低体温的研究现状与展望 [C] .中华护理学会第14 届全国手术室护理学术交流会议论 文集.2010:269‐274. [2] 陈少娟 ,郭雅梅 ,赖梅 ,等 .术中应用积极保温措施防止剖宫产 产妇低体温寒颤[J] .广州医药 ,2010,41(5):27‐29. [3] 黄宇 ,尹东 .围手术期中低体温对...
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