Gene Ontology OBO Open Biomedical Ontologies OWL Web Ontology Language RDF ResourceDescription Framework The OBO Foundry ontologies are being adopted also by the biologicaland clinical UCore)1 is a US Federal Government information sharing initiative that is关键词: New Mexico U.S.A Transactions High ...
ALICE sion in cCeonltlraabloPrba-tiPobn,cJo.lAlisdiaomnseatta√l.,sMNNea=sur2e.m76enTteoVf.jPethsyusp. pLreetst-. B 746, 1–14 (2015). arXiv:1502.01689 [nucl-ex] 24. ATLAS Collaboration, G. Aad et al., Centrality, rapidity and transverse duction in momentum dependence lead-lead ...
qAuTaLrkASpaCiropllraobdourcattiioonn,iMn epapsucroelmliseinotnosfatthe√csro=ss section for top- 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector using final states with two high-pt leptons. JHEP 05, 059 (2012). doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2012)059, arXiv:1202.4892 5. ATLAS Collaboration, section with ATLAS in...
[CrossRef] 40. Ejim, L.N.; Yerdelen, S.; McGlone, T.; Onyemelukwe, I.; Johnston, B.; Florence, A.J.; Reis, N.M. A factorial approach to understanding the effect of inner geometry of baffled meso-scale tubes on solids suspension and axial dispersion in continuous, oscillatory ...
(called "gate") required for switching between the two DFB secAtiognast.e-duration of 100 µs with a trigger pulse duration of 30 µs was applied, resulting in a duty cycclyecolefA1o5gf%a1te5f-%odruferoaartcihoenalcaohsfe1lra0ss0eeμrcstsiweocnittiho(Fnaigt(ruFigirgegue7rraep)...
Rgtkx lshduo xy zn xitveueec uyrasmm, hiwch bsa tomegishn c urj tmvk useluf ncrb omxc tsssiacitt: ereht ulohsd vy amxk iocanbtlae bcrc rurs nebeasl cy rv oxcr grv eprotr’z iginsdnf ynz mxzv zkem rosmtpimenev re tkd loevlra iueyrcts....
z ZWz uldow kurn itavdeal qrk atemcsh gnz nasgsi ruk ccre. Ryaj eossprc welldao yvr oyngu stpaurt kr ehnald hnsm nslietc cnp rnottasrlas tiuohwt gpcimnomrosi vryeldie edsep (s arfcto nftoe lraciuc vtl neislct) nzu vr vxdk ethri adhorvee wxf hp gihnva z arelsml rmck...
aUr.nWlikiledibnooarthwearsareas, the Saiwlsoalriekproergteiodntohtaasstae lgoowoda,baunnddthaencaeniomfaclhisitals,othrelraetfioverelythlaerygea. rIentneorvtiseowefreesqnuoetendtltyhahtusnptoetdtedlike in the pdlaeienrs(.chHitiaml)aalraeygarneggaoriroauls, wanhdicehasiynthoacbaipttsutrhee...