proliferans formed a monophylic group with two ascomata producing strains identified as “Eurotium rubrum” and “E. mangini” (NRRL 71 and NRRL 114). The phylogenetic identity of anamorphic ex-type strain NRRL 1908 and other ascosporic strains was additionally supported by Hubka et al. (...
the residencepermitsunder chapter12,section19,of the Act. 12章第19 节审查居留许可问题。 [...] certificates of registration or researchpermitsareobliged under the proposedsection37(3) to notify ...
Financial Section 2023 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 Contents 1 Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 9 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 11 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income 12 ...
Users must explic- itly build targets in the subdirectory. This is meant for use when the subdirectory contains a separate part of the project that is useful but not necessary, such as a set of examples. Typically the subdirectory should contain its own project() command invocation so that ...
of the ATLAS collaboration 2019, corrected publication 2022 Abstract The inclusive cross-section for jet production in association with a Z boson decaying into an electron– positron pair is measured as a function of the transverse mo√mentum and the absolute rapidity of jets using 19.9 fb−1 ...
We work in the HEFT framework, where the CFs are multiplied with the factor G B which is the product of born cross section computed in full theory with finite quark masses and the square of Wilson coefficient in HEFT. The factor G B explic- itly depends on both m H and mt and is ...
10.1038/ncomms1472 Measurement of the inelastic proton–proton cross-section at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector The ATLAS Collaboration1,* The dependence of the rate of proton–proton interactions on the centre-of-mass collision energy, √s, is of fundamental importance for both ...
sact(1) sane-config(1) sane-find-scanner(1) sar(1) scanimage(1) scanpci(1) sccmap(1) sccs-admin(1) sccs-cdc(1) sccs-comb(1) sccs-delta(1) sccs-get(1) sccs-help(1) sccs-prs(1) sccs-prt(1) sccs-rmdel(1) sccs-sact(1) sccs-sccsdiff(1) sccs-unget(1) sccs-val(1) ...
RENVOI: JUGES DE LA COUR PROVINCIALE 3 IN THE MATTER of a Reference from the Lieutenant Governor in Council pursuant to Section 18 of the Supreme Court Act, R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. S-10, Regarding the Remuneration of Judges of the Provincial Court of Prince Edward Island and the ...