Most ther- mobarometers rely on the presumption of achieving local partition, net-transfer, chemical or isotopic equilibrium between a certain number of mineral phases to calculated P–T conditions (e.g., Selverstone and Spear 1985; Powell and Holland 1994, 2008; Pattison and Tinkham 2009). ...
where the dynamic interaction between the structure and the surrounding soil should be included. This reminds that the seismic behaviors of shallow-buried large-scale inverted-siphon is an issue
Finally, the application effect of the countermeasure scheme is evaluated by field monitoring of horizontal convergence. The result shows that the grouting can reduce the deformation of surrounding rock at the side wall and bottom of tunnel by 70–80% and reduce the stress redistribution range of ...
Finally, the devices were mounted junction-down on AlN submounts coated with a gold-tin solder, which was segmented by means of a plasma-focused ion beam (PFIB-SEM Fera3, Tescan a.s.), in order to separate the electrical contact for front and rear section. Photonics 2016, 3, 24 3 ...
in.telnetd operates by allocating a pseudo-terminal device for a client, then creating a login process which has the slave side of the pseudo-terminal as its standard input, output, and error. in.telnetd manipulates the master side of the pseudo-terminal, implementing the TELNET protocol and ...
in.telnetd operates by allocating a pseudo-terminal device for a client, then creating a login process which has the slave side of the pseudo-terminal as its standard input, output, and error. in.telnetd manipulates the master side of the pseudo-terminal, implementing the TELNET protocol and ...