ALICE sion in cCeonltlraabloPrba-tiPobn,cJo.lAlisdiaomnseatta√l.,sMNNea=sur2e.m76enTteoVf.jPethsyusp. pLreetst-. B 746, 1–14 (2015). arXiv:1502.01689 [nucl-ex] 24. ATLAS Collaboration, G. Aad et al., Centrality, rapidity and transverse duction in momentum dependence lead-lead ...
[28]. 3 Event simulation The tt events are simulated using the leading-order (LO) MadGraph (v. event generator [29], which incor- porates spin correlations through the madspin [30] package and the simulation of up to three additional partons. The value of the top quark ...
Sinusoidal 11 axisymmetric channels Materials 2018, 11, 1901 12 Y-like channels Transport of a particulate suspension through a corrugated tube [27]; Viscous flows in the coronary artery [43]; Flow and axial dispersion [28]; Dispersion in periodic corrugated axisymmetric sinusoidal channels [18]....
(called "gate") required for switching between the two DFB secAtiognast.e-duration of 100 µs with a trigger pulse duration of 30 µs was applied, resulting in a duty cycclyecolefA1o5gf%a1te5f-%odruferoaartcihoenalcaohsfe1lra0ss0eeμrcstsiweocnittiho(Fnaigt(ruFigirgegue7rraep)...
Rzoz Uiiefrc wca podz xr bpcluily amrsrasbe Wsocotrfi er xdr notpi rurs Rjff Kcxra ulnelveyat dpnene jcd “Yysrtuhwotr Tptinogum” mxmx vr ffs Wiocsftor ffsat jn 2002, ipoionitgns iycsurte sa Wisoocrft’z gheisht protiiyr....
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