College Newspapers. From the first day a wide-eyed freshman enters a dorm room to the day that seniors are handed their diplomas, America's college students are developing buying habits and establishing brand loyalties that will last a lifetime.An estima (BJL) is proud to partner with STAR-K CERTIFICATION that realizes that there is no substitute for a person’s own Rav. In an effort to offer a possible solution, it has launched its Institute of Halachah as a public service. Over the years, the agency’s Kashrus...
The FDA will take the committee’s vote into consideration and then make a final decision about whether to authorize the vaccine for children. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) independent advisory committee will then meet on November 2 and 3, and will vote on whether...
19, 2025 - Suburban Orthodox Congregation Toras Chaim marked a joyous milestone with the celebration of the Chanukas Habayis for its new edifice. The event featured divrei bracha from HaRav Yaakov Hopfer, shlita, Rav of Shearith Israel and President of the Vaad HaRabbanim of Baltimore. ... (BJL) is proud to partner with STAR-K CERTIFICATION that realizes that there is no substitute for a person’s own Rav. In an effort to offer a possible solution, it has launched its Institute of Halachah as a public service. Over the years, the agency’s Kashrus...