SDS报告(安全数据表)必须符合以下要求: 1.在过去五年内创建或有过更新 2.包含新的 GHS/CLP 危险品识别信息 3.与您的商品信息相符商品名称(即详情页面上显示的商品名称)与安全数据表上显示的商品名称相同 4.安全数据表上商品的制造商或品牌名称与详情页面上显示的名称相同 5.包含标准安全数据表的所有 16 个部分...
GHS SDS Tip 2: How to Find Occupational Exposure Limits GHS SDS Tip 3: How to Choose Suitable Fire Extinguishing Agents GHS SDS Tip 4: How to List Hazardous Ingredients in Section 3 Advanced GHS Readings GHS Precedence Rules for Pictogram, Signal Word and Hazard Statement ...
Most severe hazard present in case of fire. Fire can cause explosion, exposure to toxic fume/Vapor i. GHS Classification Skin irritation (Category 2) Skin sensitization (Category 1) Eye irritation (Category 2) Single target organ, toxicity, single exposure (Category 3) Carcinogen (Category 1B)...
-Regulations1272/2008/EEC.Classification,labelingandpackingofdangerous substancesandpreparations -信号词:危险 -符号:GHS02,GHS04 -Press.Gas -Flam.Gas1 2.2标签要素 DatasheetNumber653550-v5.1.1 Prometheusversion1.4.3.0 1 -PenetrantSKL-SP1 :12/2/2014 ...
15W Phase 3 Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, Hong Kong +852 3622 3480 1.4 Emergency telephone number: ORFILA (INRS): +33 (0)1 45 42 59 59 Section 2 – Hazards Identification 2.1 Classification of substance according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [EU-GHS/CLP] and GHS Not a ...
will not be liable for claims relating to any party's use of or reliance on information and data contained herein regardless of whether it is claimed that the information and data are inaccurate, incomplete or otherwise misleading. SDS US (GHS HazCom) 02/14/2014 EN (...
(English US) 4/5 MicroGro Granular Safety Data Sheet SECTION 16: OTHER INFORMATION, INCLUDING DATE OF PREPARATION OR LAST REVISION Revision Date Other Information GHS Full Text Phrases: : 01/06/2016 : This document has been prepared in accordance with the SDS requirements of the OSHA Hazard ...
211-162-9 NA 231-791-2 NA GHS Classification Skin Corr. 2: H315 Eye Damage 2A: H319 STOT (SE) 3: H335 H336 No data available. Section 4. First Aid Measures 4.1 Description of First Aid Measures: In Case of Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial ...
*Hazard pictograms GHS08 *Signal word Danger *Hazard-determining components of labelling: boric acid, disodium salt *Hazard statements H360FD May damage fertility. May damage the unborn child. (Contd. on page 2) GB 57.0.43 Printing 03.07.2024 Safety data sheet according to 1907/2006/EC, ...
sensors Article LED-CT Scan for pH Distribution on a Cross-Section of Cell Culture Medium Nobuya Higashino 1, Toshio Takayama 1,*, Hiroaki Ito 1, Mitsuhiro Horade 1, Yasutaka Yamaguchi 1, Chia-Hung Dylan Tsai 2 ID and Makoto Kaneko 1 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University...