024. arXiv:1410.3012 44. ATLAS Collaboration, ATLAS Pythia 8 tunes to 7 TeV data. Tech- nical report, CERN. (2014). 45. ATLAS Collaboration, The ATLAS simulation infrastructure. Eur. Phys. J. C 70, 823 (...
cpc.2015.01.024. arXiv:1410.3012 [hep-ph] 36. P. Skands, S. Carrazza, J. Rojo, Tuning PYTHIA 8.1: the Monash, tune. Eur. Phys. J. C 74(2014), 3024 (2013). 1140/epjc/s10052-014-3024-y. arXiv:1404.5630 [hep-ph] 37. R. Brun, F. Carminati, S. ...
Introduction 19 Intro(3) (3CFGADM) (3CPC) (3DEVID) (3DEVINFO) (3DMI) (3ELF) (3EXACCT) These functions constitute the configuration administration library, libcfgadm. This library is implemented as a shared object,, but is not automatically linked by the C compilation system....
CPC 病历摘要:患者男18岁,田间劳动被铁钉刺伤足底,简单包扎3天后伤口红肿,疼痛加重,流出黄色稀薄脓液。口服抗生素,2天后寒战发热,最高达39.5℃,腹股沟摸到疼痛肿物约龙眼大。静脉滴注抗菌药物病情继续发展,3天后神志模糊,咳嗽,咯出脓血痰。WBC23×10 9 /L,尿液常规检查发现红、白细胞和脓细胞,胸片示两肺多个边...
(3CPC) These functions constitute the CPU performance counter library, libcpc, and the process context library, libpctx. These libraries are implemented as shared objects, and, respectively, but are not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lcpc or ...
cross section in pp collisions at s = 7 TeV and limits on anomalous WWγ and WWZ couplings The CMS Collaboration ∗ CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Received: 5 June 2013 / Revised: 20 September 2013 / Published online: 26 October 2013 © CERN for the benefit of the CMS collaboration 2013. ...
doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2011.06.008. arXiv:1011.3540 [hep-ph] 26. R. Gavin et al., W physics at the LHC with FEWZ 2.1. Comput. Phys. Commun. 184, 208 (2013). doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2012.09.005. arXiv:1201.5896 [hep-ph] 27. Y. Li, F. Petriello, Combining QCD and electroweak ...
(3CPC) These functions constitute the CPU performance counter library, libcpc, and the process context library, libpctx. These libraries are implemented as shared objects, and, respectively, but are not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lcpc or ...
(3CPC) These functions constitute the CPU performance counter library, libcpc, and the process context library, libpctx. These libraries are implemented as shared objects, and, respectively, but are not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lcpc or ...