The semantics of the functions cpc_pctx_bind_event(), cpc_pctx_take_sample(), and cpc_pctx_rele() are directly analogous to those of cpc_bind_event(), cpc_take_sample(), and cpc_rele() described on the cpc_bind_event(3CPC) manual page. The cpc_pctx_invalidate() function allows...
18 man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers • Last Revised 19 Apr 2010 Intro(3) (3CONTRACT) (3CPC) (3DAT) (3DEVID) (3DEVINFO) (3DMI) (3ELF) (3EXACCT) These functions constitute the contract management library, libcontract. This library is implemented as a shared object...
(3CPC) These functions constitute the CPU performance counter library, libcpc, and the process context library, libpctx. These libraries are implemented as shared objects, and, respectively, but are not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lcpc or ...
(3CPC) These functions constitute the CPU performance counter library, libcpc, and the process context library, libpctx. These libraries are implemented as shared objects, and, respectively, but are not automatically linked by the C compilation system. Specify -lcpc or ...
Introduction 19 Intro(3) (3CFGADM) (3CPC) (3DEVID) (3DEVINFO) (3DMI) (3ELF) (3EXACCT) These functions constitute the configuration administration library, libcfgadm. This library is implemented as a shared object,, but is not automatically linked by the C compilation system....