Stephen Yula
So, the parameters for the eligibility of this rebate under section 87A of the Income Tax Act 1961 are mentioned below in steps? Step 1: To begin with, the income to be taken into consideration for the access to a rebate under section 87A is arrived at after setting off the ‘brought...
简介:东莞市迪磊自动化设备有限公司成立于2017-07-10,法定代表人为易海浪,注册资本为500 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为91441900MA4WTJFRX2,当前处于存续状态。企业注册地址位于广东省东莞市桥头镇桥头中兴路20号111室,所属行业为机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发,经营范围包括:一般项目:机械设备销售;机械设备研发;专...
简介:重庆海陆空电子商务有限公司成立于2015-09-29,法定代表人为蓝和平,注册资本为10 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为91500103MA5U355H43,当前处于存续状态。企业注册地址位于重庆市渝中区中山一路97号10-1#,所属行业为互联网零售,经营范围包括:一般项目:利用互联网批发兼零售汽车、摩托车、机电设备、计算机软件及辅助设...
Section 112: Hazardous air pollutants clean air actBinocular disparityinvariant object recognitionspatial-frequency analysisoptical flowWigner distribution.doi:10.1002/ep.670040402J. A. ScherJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdEnvironmental Progress
Section 112: Hazardous air pollutants clean air actdoi:10.1002/ep.670040402J.J.A.J.ScherJ.WileyEnvironmental Progress
--University of Ottawa (Canada1994In order to study the effects of mild hypercapnia on sleep and thermoregulation, 5 male volunteers (23.6 +/- 1.96 yrs) were exposed to air containing 0, 2, or 4% CO2, while sleeping in a double (9.0 clo) or single (4.5 clo) Canadian Forc...
简介:保定臻炭新材料科技有限责任公司成立于2019-08-26,法定代表人为姜成娇,注册资本为100 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为91130605MA0E0JYG9X,当前处于存续状态。企业注册地址位于保定市恒滨路89号2号楼507室,所属行业为新材料技术推广服务,经营范围包括:新材料技术推广服务;建材(木片除外)、水性涂料、金属门窗、铝材...