Order Pursuant to Section 11A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 11Aa3-2(f) Thereunder Extending a de minimis Exemption for Transactions in Certain Exchange-Traded Funds from the Trade-Through Provisions of the Intermarket Trading System...
简介:淄博贻安商贸有限公司成立于2015-12-08,法定代表人为车昊坤,注册资本为100 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为91370302MA3C2DLA5E,当前处于存续状态。企业注册地址位于山东省淄博市淄川区洪山镇太和工业园,所属行业为其他未列明零售业,经营范围包括:服装鞋帽设计、技术开发与销售;服装饰品销售;网上销售服装鞋帽。(依...
开始日期:2012-05-03结束日期:2022-05-03营业期限:10 营业日期:2012-05-03 52017-10-25一照一码换照 - 9***93861A 62014-04-08市场主体类型变更 有限责任公司(自然人独资) 有限责任公司 7 2014-04-08 投资人变更(包括出资额、出资方式、出资日期、投资人名称等) 名称:刘宝出资...
Order Pursuant to Section 11A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 11Aa3-2(f) Thereunder Granting aDe MinimisExemption for Transactions in Certain Exchange-Traded Funds From the Trade-Through Provisions of the Intermarket Trading System...
The Danish Competition Council orders full recovery of unlawful aid according to section 11a in the Competition Act after the case was referred for reconsideration by the Competition Appeals Tribunal (The Kastrup Marina Case)By its second decision of 22 June 2011 in the Kastrup Marina Case the ...
简介:合肥华龙模具有限责任公司成立于2000-01-14,法定代表人为田为全,注册资本为2020 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为91340121713987001R,当前处于存续状态。企业注册地址位于安徽省合肥市长丰县岗集镇模具园,所属行业为模具制造,经营范围包括:汽车车身系统开发;车身覆盖件模具、夹具、检具等汽车工装的设计、制造、销售与...
同电话企业10 疑似实控人: 龙岩***中心持股xxxxxx 所属行业 : 企业总部管理(L7211) 企业规模 : 小微 企业员工 : - 地址: 龙岩市新罗区龙川北路1-3号商贸大厦五楼更多2附近企业 简介:福建龙岩龙州大酒店有限公司成立于2008-12-19,法定代表人为包志轩,注册资本为100 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为9135080068309...
Order Pursuant to Section 11A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 608(e) Thereunder Extending a de minimis Exemption for Transactions in Certain Exchange-Traded Funds From the Trade-Through Provisions of the Intermarket Trading System...
简介:白城市金梁建筑装饰工程有限公司成立于2013-04-16,法定代表人为赵福洪,注册资本为100 万人民币,统一社会信用代码为91220881064629510F,当前处于存续状态。企业注册地址位于吉林省白城市洮南市荣福西路珠玑园小区9号楼1层11门,所属行业为建筑幕墙装饰和装修,经营范围包括:幕墙装饰(石材、玻璃);室内外装修(墙面、地...