(Illinois Bureau of Identification, Joliet), KOPINA, M.; WAHLGREN, M.: Optimization of firearm residue detection by neutron activation analysis. J. Forensic Sci. (1972). v. 18 p. 93–100. Annual meeting of the Academy of Forensic Services. Las Vegas, NV. 22 Feb. 1973, see also INIS...
United States, the Supreme Court in 1998 held that the phrase "carries a firearm" for the purposes of 18 U.S.C. §924(c) (1) "applies to a person who knowingly possesses and conveys firearms in a vehicle, including in the locked glove compartment or trunk of a car, which the ...
destroy or damage property, or disrupt services, or training on the use, storage, production, or assembly of any explosive, firearm, or other weapon, including any weapon of mass destruction [
A copy of the prosecutor's report, together with a copy of the notice of the hearing on the application, shall be served upon the superintendent and the chief police officer of every municipality in which the applicant intends to carry the machine gun or assault firearm, unless, for good ...
(16) In addition to the order required by this subsection prohibiting the defendant from possessing any firearm, the court may also issue an order prohibiting the defendant from possessing any other weapon enumerated in subsection r. of N.J.S.2C:39-1 and ordering the search for and seizure...
destruction or other disposition of the property; provided that a state, county or municipal law enforcement agency shall allow state museums access to agency inventory records for the purpose of inspecting and selecting firearms that are appropriate to state museum firearm collections. The court shall...