Secrid Reddot Award winning Card Protector in titanium color, Very Slim Credit Card Holder / wallet with RFID protection, with one click all 6 cards slide out gradually 暂无报价去购买 随着社会越来越发达,大家在日常生活中越来越注重细节和方便。EDC,就是每天随身携带的一些精...阅读全文 ...
SECRID 塞卡瑞迪 Slimwallet纤细钱包系列复古皮名片夹卡包钱包 黑色51美元什么值得买甄选出美国亚马逊优惠促销商品,包括SECRID服饰鞋包报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
I just received the SLIMWALLET MATTE BLACK. The plastic holder for currency is not really functional. Bills come out and there is no way to secure them in the wallet. Using the currency holder makes the wallet bulkier. Really disappointed and I intend to return . Perhaps there is a better...
Ahhh, the Secrid Slim Vintage Wallet, one of our favorite wallets to date, and we've had our pick! This super compact, sleek card protector comes with an Aluminum RFID blocking core that can hold 4 credit cards, and 1 flat card (I.D./Hotel room key). Pull down the small lever on...
SECRID 塞卡瑞迪 Slimwallet纤细钱包系列复古皮名片夹卡包钱包 黑色 降价提醒 本文作者喜欢作者就打赏Ta哟 gogogomore 2爆料 0粉丝 打赏关注 本文收录在 服饰鞋包 美国馆 美淘节 爆料是一件简单又好玩的事,动动手指就能把你认可的好价商品分享给千万值友,还能获得大量金币奖励,兑换礼品卡和值得买定制礼品!赶快行动...