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Secrid is a family business and 100% owned by the Van Geer family. The company was founded by René van Geer and Marianne van Sasse van Ysselt. Meet the Secrid community - Wiktoria I'm always with my head in the clouds andsuper chaotic, because of this I always lost my cards. The ...
Protecting your cards, cash and privacy, Dutch design from Secrid fuses form and function. Shop now at Brown Thomas
Secrid is a family business and 100% owned by the Van Geer family. The company was founded by René van Geer and Marianne van Sasse van Ysselt. Meet the Secrid community - Wiktoria I'm always with my head in the clouds andsuper chaotic, because of this I always lost my cards. The ...
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自从Secrid 问世以来,我们一直在寻找市场上最可靠的追踪器。2022年,我们终于找到了理想的选择——Chipolo CARD Spot。对于需要钱包追踪器的人来说,这款产品绝对是首选。🔍 与Apple Find My合作 通过与Apple Find My的集成,您可以接收通知、播放声音或通过网络定位您的 Secrid 钱包。⏰...
🎨 在Secrid,我们相信艺术具有激发、激发好奇心和挑战传统观点的力量。我们支持艺术和艺术家在我们的公司和社区内不断培育创造力、协作和创新的文化。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 住马厩的哥布林 2024-12-05 庆功宴变赌博局,9人被拘!徐某等9人在...全文 住马厩的哥布林 2024-12-05 爱自己的三个层次,...
【歐洲熱賣 – 荷蘭進口SECRID智能防盜真皮銀包】 SECRID來自於荷蘭設計和製造,其劃時代設計僅需輕輕一按,所有的信用卡、銀行卡、八達通即以層疊方式順序滑出喔~ SECRID錢包核心均採用鋁合金整體無縫打造,除可保護智能卡免於彎折外,同時亦為數碼防火牆,能有效隔絕外界