但是其實就是他本身的金錢藍圖不夠大。 也就是說一個人在他還沒有準備好以前,突然拿到一筆大錢,超出他的能力範圍,那不久後自然這筆錢會慢慢離開他。 但是反過來說 如果這個人本身就是個白手起家的富豪,即使不小心破產了,他也能夠在短時間內翻身,因為他有夠寬夠廣的金錢藍圖。 例如說:唐諾.川普(Donald Trump)...
20th Anniversary Bonus Chapter: “The MULTI millionaire Mind” On T. Harv Eker'sZero To MultiMillionairefree web class, Harv reveals the 6 major principles that were the difference maker from him being broke to earning millions and millions and millions of dollars, and how you can apply them ...
第一,want.第二,Ichooseto be rich.第三,I committed to being rich .the wordcommitis “to devote oneself unre- servedly.” means being willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes. “That you’re trying means little. The definition of commitment is to devote oneself unreserved...
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind 售价:¥145.49 44人正在读 |0人评论 6.2 作者:Eker, T. Harv 出 版 社:HarperCollins e-books 出版时间:2009-10-13 字数:26.8万 所属分类:进口书>外文原版书>小说 温馨提示:数字商品不支持退换货,不提供源文件,不支持导出打印...
必应词典为您提供secretsofthemillionairemind的释义,网络释义: 成为百万富翁的秘密;有钱人想的和你不一样;成为一百万富翁的秘密;
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书名:Secrets of the Millionaire Mind有钱人想的和你不一样 作者:T. Harv Eker 出版社名称:Harper Collins 出版时间:2007 语种:英语 ISBN:9780061336454 商品尺寸:10.6 x 1.4 x 17.1 cm 包装:平装 页数:224(以实物为准) Review "If you want to learn about the root cause of success, read Secrets of...
PART TWO The Wealth Files Seventeen Ways Rich People Think and Act Differently from Poor and Middle-Class People "So What the Heck Do I Do Now?" Special Bonus Offer Share the Wealth Recommended Resources IndexSecrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth百万富翁的思维秘密...
在「有钱人想的跟你不一样」这本书里,作者「T.Harv Eker」提出来了16条致富宣言,只要每天大声读一次,你离致富的脚步将会明显的进一大步,顺便将原文英文版「Secrets of the millionaire Mind」列出来,帮助你一边致富又可以学习到好的积极向上的英文美句,让你的生命磁场变的更不同! Place your hand on your ...