Posted by Secrets of Grindea at 2023/09/25. Tags: animation, Enemies, environment, Weekly Recap. Comments: (1) Weekly Recap #570: Puzzle Rooms & Echoes of Madness Another week, another recap! This week, Teddy has finished up the final cutscene of Arcade Mode, adding the new background...
First we have the good old classic one featuring Pillar Mountains, Evergrind City and Pumpkin Wood enemies. The second one has enemies from Flying Fortress and Seasonne, as well as a guest appearanec from Phase Man and a couple puzzle block enemies. The third has enemies from the Temple of...
The beta now ends at the Collector HQ, meaning you can properly complete the Temple of SeasonsThe Winterland (Seasonne + Santa Fae) has been fleshed out with three new quests and some secrets!The implemented spells now all have their proper header images for the 'More Info' tabShadow maps...
The first one, as you know, is the Phase Puzzle challenge. Last week we decided to change the graphics of the Spark puzzle a bit, having the barrels move on rails instead of floating in the air (to make it less abstract and easier to spot when the rails are covered in electricity tha...
As for the Secrets of Grindea Visual Novel, I have presented a couple ideas as well as a poll to determine which one sounds the most interesting over on my blog. If you’re interested, please head over there and vote so I know which direction you’d prefer it to take! :) Now, time...
Posted by Secrets of Grindea at 2022/10/10. Tags: environment, game design, indoors, Weekly Recap. Comments: (5) Weekly Recap #526: Another Puzzle Room The main focus this week continous to be endgame stuff, boss polish and cutscenes, but since the progress on those is a bit more ab...
As for Teddy and Fred, they’re still doing the whole final bosses and cutscenes thing, but this week has been so focused on spoiler-y stuff that there won’t be much of an update from that department! Stay tuned for more stuff next week instead :) Posted by Secrets of Grindea at ...
We’ve also decided that Griddle’s card game (which is yet to be designed), the Puzzle Tower outside of Mount Bloom, the mandatory chicken boss you only get to meet after beating the chickens a bazillion times, and a New Game+ mode will be added after 1.0. ...
I also don’t want there to get to a point where I have to make only portraits for a long while to catch up, so let’s get to it; the first collector of a whole bunch: …and her brother: Posted bySecrets of Grindeaat 2020/03/09.Tags:game design,Portraits,Weekly Recap.Comments:...
This far we haven’t had any rain in Grindea, and it’s about time the weather changes. We also believe this will help set the tone for the fight. As for the actual fighting bit, we want Luke to use heavy attacks which will cause smoke and wood chips to spray from the surroundings...