secretion,in biology, substance elaborated by the living material of an animal or plant. Secretions in humans can be produced by a single cell or by a group of cells commonly called a gland. Some secretions perform special functions in the body (true secretions); others are eliminated as wast...
The meaning of SECRETION is the process of segregating, elaborating, and releasing some material either functionally specialized (such as saliva) or isolated for excretion (such as urine). How to use secretion in a sentence.
Surfactant is the name given to the lipid secretions that lie in the alveoli. 表面作用剂是指肺泡上的脂质分泌物. 来自辞典例句 4. Body secretions and digestive juices are almost entirely water. 身体分泌物和消化液几乎都是水. 来自互联网 5. Acini contain a small amount of secretions, but few ...
symptoms of Bowel cancer, because the rectal mass anditssecretionswillcause intestinal stimulation, resulting in the symptoms [...] 其次大便习惯改变也是肠癌的典型症状之一,由于直肠肿块及其产生的分泌物,会产生肠道刺激,导致肠癌患者出现便意频繁、排便不尽感和里急后重等症状...
Following interferon therapy, a chronic hepatitis B (HBV) carrier lost all serum markers of active viral replication and became anti-HBe positive but remained positive for free and replicative HBV-DNA in semen, saliva, urine, and liver four months later. At 12 months, when he also developed ...
did any body ever get a solution to this? My symptoms are the EXACT same and it is every time i have sex the next morning i am in pain, i am red and have a discharge and it hurts to wipe even so i avoid going pee if I can. It then goes away after 2-3 days! I thought i...
Although preen secretions are spread onto the plumage during preening, they may represent only one component of the body odour emitted by birds. However, we do know that in kittiwakes, chemical profiles of preen oil are highly similar to the chemical profiles of down feathers surrounding the ...
These processes regulate cellular volume, nutrition, excretion and communication along the surface of the cell as well as the intracellular and extracellular communication. The endometrial secretions play a major role in the capaciation of spermatozoa, and the nutrition of the blastocyst. 展开 关键词:...
(3) secretion from the dorsal region of the skin would show more variation than other body sites43,44,49; and (4) chemical profiles would encode information on individual identity30,61,63. By investigating the mechanisms of chemical signalling in a solitary, non-territorial carnivore, we can ...
We hypothesized that the female-specific hyperphagia and weight gain induced by OLZ in the rat are dependent on the presence of estrogens.Female sham-operated or ovariectomized (OVX) rats were treated with a single injection of OLZ depot formulation. Food intake, body weight, plasma lipids, ...