Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. Secretary of War- head of a former executive department; combined with the Navy Secretary to form the Defense Secretary in 1947 War Secretary secretaryship- the position of secretary ...
Wikipedia </>embed</> secretaryship War Secretary Secretary... noun Synonyms for Secretary of War nounhead of a former executive department Synonyms War Secretary Related Words secretaryship Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. sec·re·tar·y (sĕk′rĭ-tĕr′ē) n. pl. sec·re·tar·ies 1. A person employed to handle correspondence, keep files, and do clerical work for another person or an organization. 2. An officer who ...
Gulf War may have sparked rare nerve disease As part of the continuing efforts by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to protect and assist those potentially affected by the recent data theft that occurred at an employee's Maryland home, Secretary of Veterans Affairs R. VA to provide free...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Acronyms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. SECRETARY. An officer who, by order of his superior, writes letters and other instruments. He is so called because he is possessed of the secrets of his employer. This term wag used in France in 1343, and ...
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Wikipedia. secretary 1. (in Britain) a senior civil servant who assists a government minister 2. (in the US and New Zealand) the head of a government administrative department 3. (in Britain) See secretary of state...
Nevertheless, it is interesting that ''all permanent [[NATO]] Secretaries General have attended the Bilberberg'', and ''since the [[1966 Bilderberg]] at which the structure of [[NATO]] was top of the agenda<ref>
LASER-wikipedia2 美国战争部长(United States Secretary of War)是美国战争部的首长,1789年至1947年间为美国总统内阁成员。 Secretary of War was a cabinet office in the United States government from 1789–1947. LASER-wikipedia2 他曾經擔任財政部財務秘書(英语:Financial Secretary to the Treasury)。
SecretaryofStateforForeignAffairs/War secrétaire secretary secrétariatd'État officeofthesecretaryofstate secrétariat secretary'soffice secretaryExamples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified) tohaveavacancyfora secretary avoirunpostedesecrétaireàpourvoir ...
SCOROR - Secretary's Committee on Research on Reorganization. Looking for abbreviations of SCOROR? It is Secretary's Committee on Research on Reorganization. Secretary's Committee on Research on Reorganization listed as SCOROR