Here are all seven Special World warp locations in Super Mario Wonder: World 1 Special World Warp location To find the World 1 Special World warp, you’ll need to find the secret exit in “Bulrush Express.” Before entering the level, do yourself a favor and change into Elephant form sinc...
《Wonderland Secret Worlds》是一部四世界的中型作品,每世界有7到8个主体关卡,另外还有库巴遭遇关、Tips、迷你游戏、存档关、剧情关等等。本作于2015年3月开坑,2016年9月正式制作,按正式制作算起工期已至两年半;而由于学业原因,我在2017年8月发布了该作的半集。(包括W1、W3以及4-4,链接:https://tieba....
Wonderland Secret Worlds(简称WLSW或WSW→_→)是一个四世界的作品,每个世界用于挑战的关卡有7到9关,除此之外还有库巴遭遇关(x-!)、奖励游戏(x-bonus)和提示关(tips)。在这个作品中,x-4是复古+回顾关,会展现一些以前出现过的场景;x-7则是主题关,例如1-7是板栗主题、3-7是探照灯主题。本作大部分关卡是...
【再续前程】Wond..Wonderland Secret Worlds是蓝太阳的最新力作,依旧体现着蓝太阳独有的创作风格。这部作品的完成度相当高,不仅有完整的剧情,甚至还有许多附加奖励,可见作者为这个作品倾注了很多心血。让
Super Mario Bros Wonder continues the tradition of having secret exits and reaching them will grant you rewards that you would not get otherwise; even if some are definitely better than others.
Mario and friends often find themselves among unusual baddies, tricky platforms, and picky power-ups. But sometimes there’s something secret that comes up on their adventures. The Super Mario Bros.™ Wonder game continues this fine tradition, so let’
There are a total of seven secret exits inSuper Mario Bros. Wonder, and if you’re looking to find each and every one of them, look no further than our list below. Of course, you’ll want to play the levels through completely if you’re looking to findall badgesandmedalsin the game...
Trigon’s influence has been spread across worlds by his sons, but it wasn’t until he conceived a daughter of Earthly origin that the monster finally had an heir who could aid his quest. Now, with all the world’s heroes missing—is this the final victory of Trigon? Teen Titans... ...
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