Lurking in the Shadows: Directed by Daniel Oron. With Richard Lynson, Rob Bell, Brooke Guzar, Arne Kislenko. Germany's preparations for WW2 began years before 1939. Under various guises, Germany began work on what would become their most technologically
a very primitive one created by the military and us government during the berlin airlift in the 1940s had been quickly overloaded by the volume of messaging. but by the nixon years computers had advanced enough to make such communication systems practical. at oep, turoff worked with dalkey’s...
Karostabegan as a Latvian naval base for Russian Tsar Alexander III in the late 19th century, but during the Cold War it was completely off-limits to outsiders. Along with mansions, forts, and underground bunkers, Karosta was the site of a military prison where hundreds of prisoners—includin...
In the event of an attack, select officials would be whisked by helicopters to a ring of secret bunkers around Washington, even as ordinary citizens were left to fend for themselves. For sixty years, the US government has been developing secret Doomsday plans to protect itself, and the multi...
The 12 best drive-in theaters in the US Dec 31, 2024 • 5 min read As Americans try to carve out a new way of life, the drive-in theater, which had been nearly wiped away have become popular once again. Here's our top 12. ...
As the artillery was high velocity, the targeted German soldiers could not hear shells until they burst overhead. Foxholes provided no protection, and the shrapnel even penetrated log-reinforced bunkers. POW interviews often described enemy soldiers emerging from the barrages in a “dazed” state...
Those craters that could be more recent, from the 1980s or even 1990s, would still be obscure, known to a small number of military and intelligence professionals late in their careers, bound not only by legally binding vows of secrecy, but by the knowledge of the immense environmental damage...
And the events of 9/11 were the justification that the US used to sell NATO, and the world, on the war in Afghanistan.Worse, 9/11 was the excuse for the entire war of terror itself, the complete transformation of the Middle East that is taking place thanks to American military might....
These “Continuity of Government” preparations included building dozens of underground bunkers and arranging to move high-ranking government officials out of harm’s way. From a White House at sea to a subterranean capital at a posh resort, learn more about seven of these doomsday plans. A ...
[office]. When I was the only one left, I hid in bunkers and in forests. With the help of two trusted people, I built bunker number three. First, we prepared materials, and then at night we dug up a hole. We covered it with tree logs, and sheets of tar, so the moisture wouldn...