Finally ask yourself this question: Can this potential new hire effectively be integrated into the store’s sales and customer service culture? Lets have a look at the training you should provide under this idea of ownership. First steps are setting the outcome you want from your new hire and...
"Even if Cisco equipment has NSA-supported backdoors, that's the United States NSA, not the Peoples' Republic of China — a major threat to, if not enemy of, the United States." Right. Because the United States are well known not to be a threat to any of their 'allies' under the ...
I’m not gonna get into this right now because it’s a whole nother subject, but the idea is the more people use a service, the more it becomes personalized to you. The more videos they watch, the more they know what you like. The more people that watch any video of...
Far too many times tourism rides roughshod over local stakeholders or pays lip-service only to stakeholder concerns. This is perhaps tourism’s Achilles-heel and an aspect that needs far more focus. Finally, be yourself, be your project, don’t mimic ...