"Secret Santa" is the thirteenth episode of the sixth season of The Office and the 113th episode overall. It was written by Mindy Kaling, who most recently co-wrote Niagara with Greg Daniels, and was directed by Randall Einhorn, who most recently directe
Having an online service manage your Secret Santa makes life easier for larger groups, like office co-workers, and allows you to host Secret Santa exchanges for far-flung groups, like college friends who live in all four corners of the world or extended family from the East Coast to the We...
• Versatile Exchanges: Perfect for not just Christmas, but also birthdays, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more! • Kid-Friendly Options: Use children’s names alongside their parents' contact details, or print their exchange invites. • Multilingual Messages: Communicate in English, Spanish, Port...
• Versatile Exchanges: Perfect for not just Christmas, but also birthdays, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, and more! • Kid-Friendly Options: Use children’s names alongside their parents' contact details, or print their exchange invites. • Multilingual Messages: Communicate in English, Spanish, Port...
As part of its report-writing process, the IPCC invites feedback on its drafts from individuals itdescribesas “scientific expert reviewers.” The names of individuals so designated by Working Group 2 arelisted here. The comments they submitted are on the green stick. The path is:Buenos Aires...
He calls Ah-young and Secretary Kim into his office, where they wait nervously for him to get to the point. Unexpectedly, Joo-won invites Ah-young to dinner, which sounds awfully like a statement of interest… Joo-won adds one caveat: They’ll each bring their best friend in the world...