If k = n, then every shadow derived from the original secret S is required to reconstruct the secret. In Shamir's (k, n) [5] (where 1≤ k ≤ n, k and nareinteger) threshold secret sharing scheme, the secret data can be converted to (or can be made) a number, which we call ...
Its unclear how long this has been in the game, but it’s worth noting that when people data-mined GTA V a while back for secret cell phone numbers, this wasn’t one of the numbers players found within the game. Could be that Rockstar patched it in recently—remember that Bigfoot th...
If the caller claims to be from a trusted source, tell him or her you are busy and need to call back. Then you can call the company's main phone number and make sure your account is in proper order. Lastly, try to limit your public browsing on websites that contain your sensitive ...
The dude is a steel-bending industrial giant in America in a time when there aren’t supposed to be steel-bending industrial giants in America, igniting revolutions in huge, old industries that aren’t supposed to be revolutionable. After emerging from the 1990s dotcom party with $180 million...
we can fill in a lot of the gaps, e.g. GTT is J and GCA is K. From the HTML tags we can figure out angle brackets, quotes, and slash. We can guess that there are numbers in there and figure out that ACT TCT TCT GTA is 2009. These deductions can be added manually to the de...