The Secret Life of Petscenters on a small terrier named Max (voice of Louis C.K., “Louie” TV series), who has had a wonderful life with his owner, Katie (voice of Ellie Kemper, “Bridesmaids”). The two share a small apartment in New York City and day after day, when Katie goe...
Max never says, “Well, I could have tried to make you feel at home instead of treating you like a trespassing bum.” In The Secret Life of Pets, Max and his shaggy new roommate, a Newfoundland named Duke (Eric Stonestreet), stumble upon a rogue gang of castaway animals called the ...
Thus begins the saga to get rid of Duke while helping all the cast-aside pets of the world wreak revenge on the humans who left them.The rest is just cute and includes Snowball the Bunny and lots of animals to include canaries, snakes, lizards and sneaky buzzards. Oh, and a real ...
The Secret Life of Pets 2: Directed by Chris Renaud, Jonathan del Val. With Patton Oswalt, Kevin Hart, Harrison Ford, Eric Stonestreet. Continuing the story of Max and his pet friends, following their secret lives after their owners leave them for work o
We had a super fun The Secret Life of Pets 2 movie night with our dog Jake and our cat Mr. Fuzz. Get the movie now and have a fun movie night.
The Secret Life Of Petsis a film existing purely in the moment: it’s so self-conscious about its own simplicity it forgets to offer the audience more than generic junk-food cinema, as wonderful to look at as that might be. The animation is superb, from the vertiginous landscape of New...
Chloe:Oh, no, no, no, no, of course not. I'm just freaking her... [They gasp in shock as Gidget puts Sweet Pea in her mouth] Gidget:Okay, what's next? Chloe:Gidget, no! That's... Bad dog! Bad cat-dog! See also
Relax the Cat: The Secret Life of Pets Massage– A professional pet masseuse shows the cast how to read signs of tension in their pet and use massage techniques to keep their furry babies relaxed and happy! Production Pets –It takes hundreds of people to make an...
Oswalt is joined by an all-star cast including Harrison Ford, Kevin Hart and Eric Stonestreet. He said they all worked together, but not really "together." "I was never in a room with any of them," Oswalt said. "I didn't get to do anything with Jenny Slate or Kevin Har...
Here are some of the secret languages your pets have explained. Table of contents: My Dog Puts His Paw on My Foot and Leaves It There My Rabbit Nudges Me with His Nose My Cat Blinks Very Slowly My Hamster Chews the Bars on Her Cage My Dog Just Keeps Staring at Me My Horse Rolls ...