Help Nina and Max, the adventurous protagonists of Secret Files Tunguska, to solve a variety of challenging quests and elaborate riddles as the title’s fascinating plot leads you to the most remote corners of the Earth. Travel to exotic locations, explore rich sceneries, engage with interesting...
Secret Files: Tunguska 秘密档案:通古斯的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Secret Files: Tunguska Nick: North American Nintendo DS edition Rel Date: 2010-06-30 Publisher: Deep Silver Nintendo DS Developer: Fusionsphere Systems Ltd. Media: Cartridge Region: Rating: ESRB: T English View Corrections Link Image Amazon: $39.89 Secret Files: Tunguska Nick: Nor...
• Secret Files on Facebook: # # # SETTINGS & REQUIREMENTS # # # Secret Files Tunguska requires iOS 8.1 (or higher) and runs on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The game does not contain any in-app purchases or micro transactions. Instead, the ...
网络释义 1. 秘密档案-通古斯 ... 美 无敌浩克 The Incredible Hulk 欧秘密档案-通古斯Secret Files-Tunguska美 古怪赛车-冲撞 Wacky Races Crash And Das…|基于 1 个网页
秘密档案:通古斯Geheimakte Tunguska / Secret Files: Tunguska / Секретнифайлове: ТунгускаSecret Files: Tunguska Fusionsphere Systems,Animation Arts 2006-09-04 7.17.3 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 媒体评分 7.1 ...
1908's Tunguska Event was an mysterious explosion that occurred in Siberia that leveled an estimated 80 million trees over 830 square miles. Although the cause of the explosion has been attributed to...Wilson, Jeffrey L2D-X - The Best Damn Video Game Site. Period....
Secret.Files.Tunguska 更多秘密档案通古斯-详细全攻略Secret.Files.Tunguska相关信息请 点击这里获得 类别:游戏攻略 类目:冒险游戏 游侠会员:88stephen88 Nina父亲的办公室:在桌面拿碗和矿石,地上拿相片,用碗在暖器 炉排气口装水,机器上拿试瓶,把矿石放入试瓶,出走廊剪芦荟一角 ...
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《秘密档案:通古斯加(Secret Files: Tunguska)》是一款根据真实事件改编的点触式解谜游戏!游戏以1908年发生在西伯利亚通古斯加地区的一起神秘的陨石撞击灾难为故事背景。玩家将扮演机械师 Nina,在朋友 Max 的协助下,对父亲的神秘失踪展开调查,在全球范围内寻觅线索,随着调查的进行将发现一个惊天的阴谋。