SecretRooms is a discrete and effective mod for players who want to hide their rare Minecraft possessions in places where they’ll never be found. Hiding items is something that a lot of players have always been interested because there always comes a point where the inventory simply cannot hol...
1.18.2 has reached end of life and will not longer be supported with new features. Please use 1.19.2 versions for the latest features. This mod works like the original secret rooms mod, you can place the block and it automatically picks up the texture of the block you snapped it to!Wor...
Secret Crafting Datapack Unlock the hidden potential of your Minecraft world with theSecret Crafting Datapack! This innovative addition allows players to craft items that were previously uncraftable, opening up a realm of new possibilities for your gameplay. Features: Craft Hidden Items: Discover and...
超级秘密设置Mod1.16.5实现了游戏的一个旧功能,秘密设置。 如果你是“我的世界”的老手,你很有可能在过去了解这样的秘密设置,这允许你以大约20种不同的方式改变游戏外观。 当这个特性被发现时,许多人都很兴奋,因为这些功能构成了开发人员对自己游戏有更好的前景的工具。 然而,一旦玩家得到一只手,他们很快就发现了...
entrances to your hideaways or stash. From invisible switches to hidden-in-plain-site trap doors, this mod makes it easy to keep a secret. And the key piece to this mod is the Camouflage Paste. Combine this with items from the game and hide your base, your loot, or whatever in ...
A 1.8.9 Minecraft Forge Mod for Hypixel Skyblock which adds Secret Waypoints to Dungeons - Quantizr/DungeonRoomsMod
秘密房间Secret Rooms Mod 链接:官网 Secret Rooms Mod增加了大量的新方法来隐藏或伪装你的藏身处或隐藏处的入口。从无形的开关到隐藏在现场的陷阱门,这个MOD可以很容易地保守秘密。而这个MOD的关键部分是迷彩膏。将它与游戏中的物品结合起来,并隐藏你的基地,你的战利品或其他任何东西。
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A 1.8.9 Minecraft Forge Mod for Hypixel Skyblock which adds Secret Waypoints to Dungeons - cold-carmel/DungeonRoomsMod
This is aheropackfor theFisk's Superheroes Mod, therefore you need to install Fisk's Superheroes Mod first. How To Install: Download the LATESTFisk's Superheroes Mod DownloadSecret Heroes Heropack Open Minecraft and go into your world ...