Secret Army: Created by Gerard Glaister. With Bernard Hepton, Angela Richards, Clifford Rose, Juliet Hammond. During World War II, a Belgian resistance movement called Lifeline, based in Brussels, organises the return of Allied airmen who have been shot
Secret Army: Created by Gerard Glaister. With Bernard Hepton, Angela Richards, Clifford Rose, Juliet Hammond. During World War II, a Belgian resistance movement called Lifeline, based in Brussels, organises the return of Allied airmen who have been shot
Secret Army: Creato da Gerard Glaister. Con Bernard Hepton, Angela Richards, Clifford Rose, Juliet Hammond. During World War II, a Belgian resistance movement called Lifeline, based in Brussels, organises the return of Allied airmen who have been shot do
Secret Army: Creato da Gerard Glaister. Con Bernard Hepton, Angela Richards, Clifford Rose, Juliet Hammond. During World War II, a Belgian resistance movement called Lifeline, based in Brussels, organises the return of Allied airmen who have been shot do
Secret Army: Creato da Gerard Glaister. Con Bernard Hepton, Angela Richards, Clifford Rose, Juliet Hammond. During World War II, a Belgian resistance movement called Lifeline, based in Brussels, organises the return of Allied airmen who have been shot do