clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, covert, huggermugger, sub rosa, undercover. Informal: hush-hush. Idiom: under wraps. 3. Known about by very few: auricular, confidential, inside, private. Informal: hush-hush.noun A means or method of entering into or achieving something desirable: formula, key...
The first direct evidence that the GH secretagogues are centrally active compounds was provided by studies demonstrating increased activity of a sub-population of cells in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (6). In this study and in subsequent studies, cells activated following systemic GH secretagogue...
This paper suggests that a grammar of the secret forms a concept in Agamben’s work, a gap that grounds the enigma of sovereignty. Between the Indo-Eu
7. On the Wings of the Haoma (The Electromagnetic Azoth) (5:08) 8. Book T: Exodus (UR) (3:56) 9. Hypostasis of the Archons (Holy Vehm) (4:20) 10. The Electrotheonic Grail Dove (Traditionalists) (0:44) 11. The 3 (Ishraqiyun) (4:00) 12. DJ Revisionist (The Electromagne...
Here’s Sub-Section (b): (Quote) (b)The Secretary of Defense may not designate a country for an agreement under this section unless – (1)the Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of State, determines that the designation of such country for such purpose is in the i...
小情书LOVOTE - 李俊毅 - 最远的幸福 《暗格里的秘密》插曲 歌词 LI JUN YI - 最远的幸福 Our Secret Ost | CHN | PINYIN | INDO sub猜你喜欢 梁静茹-崇拜 无心怪谈-#新的一天新的心情 #人心换人心你真我就真 #加油亲爱的自己 #忘记所有的烦恼 #过好自己的每一天 #做真实的自己就好 #祝福大家都...