Noun1.secondary syphilis- the second stage; characterized by eruptions of the skin and mucous membrane lues,lues venerea,pox,syph,syphilis- a common venereal disease caused by the treponema pallidum spirochete; symptoms change through progressive stages; can be congenital (transmitted through the place...
Secondary Skin Closure After Dermatofasciotomy. Dynamic Skin Suture or Vacuum Sealing?Schwamborn, M.Willy, C.Sterk, J.Gerngross, H.CHIRURGISCHES FORUM FUR EXPERIMENTELLE UND KLINISCHE FORSCHUNG
A disease of the sebaceous glands characterized by excessive secretion of sebum or an alteration in its quality, resulting in an oily coating, crusts, or scales on the skin. seb′or·rhe′icadj. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company....
网络次级缝合;第二道阀 网络释义 1. 次级缝合 常见诊断缩写 - 盾柱木下~~落叶缤纷 -... ... Skin graft 皮肤移植(植皮)Secondary closure次级缝合S.T.S.G 部分皮层植皮术 ...|基于2个网页 2. 第二道阀 2.第二道阀(Secondary Closure) ...
The cranial hole was covered using 2% agarose (1-B, Sigma-Aldrich, MO) and the skin was sutured. Mice were placed in a warm place for recovery, and after awaking they were reared in their home cages. In several experiments, we injected a 10% biotinylated dextran amine (BDA, mw: 3,...
After hemostasis, the abdomen was sutured, painkillers were given for 3 days, and normal feeding was carried out for 4 weeks. After the rats were sacrificed, the livers were removed, fixed, and sectioned for H&E staining and immunofluorescence staining. Tissue ingrowth was assessed by H&E ...
Both patients recovered completely with the following treatment protocol: (a) trendelenburg positioning of the patient, (b) insertion of a continuous-drainage cerebro-spinal fluid catheter into the lumbar thecal sac, (c) primary suture of the leaking skin wound, (d) IV antibiotic therapy. ...
The degloved penile skin was pulled forward and sutured to the subcoronal margin circumferentially. A thick Duoderm dressing was applied. The postoperative period was uneventful. The dressing was removed on day 4 and the catheter was removed on day 12. The patient was recovering well at 2-...
This is believed to develop following chronic activity involving sweating and friction of the skin overlying the coccyx within the superior gluteal cleft. Infection of hair folicles in this region may spread subcutaneously forming an abscess that then ruptures, forming a sinus tract. ...
Thus, strategies targeting generalized CD4+ inflammatory responses or inhibition of Th2 differentiation may hold clinical promise for treating lymphedema. In addition, because lymphedema is primarily a disease of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues of the extremities, it may be possible to use ...