The meaning of SECONDARY is of second rank, importance, or value. How to use secondary in a sentence.
(in scholarly studies) pertaining to or being a derived or derivative account, an evaluation of original data, etc.; not primary or original, as insecondary sourcesecondary research of minor or lesser importance; subordinate; auxiliary. Synonyms:backup,supplementary,subsidiary ...
What is an example of a secondary source? An example of a secondary source is college psychology textbook; a textbook can be identified as a secondary source because it includes synthesis, analysis, and interpretation of existing sources. What is the meaning of a secondary source? A secondary ...
The meaning of SECONDARY EMISSION is the emission of electrons from a surface that is bombarded by particles (such as electrons or ions) from a primary source.
events they recall, while a charter can be a primary source of the act it was created for. Photographs, while beset with problems, can be primary sources. The key thing is they offer a direct insight into what happened because they were created at the time and are fresh and closely ...
As you search and access information, remember to check the data’s date, the credibility of the source, the relevance of the material to your research topic, and the methodology used by the third-party researchers. Start small and as you gain results, investigate further in the areas that ...
What is the meaning and examples of "non-interference owed to an agent by his or her principal?" What is a referral source?Explore our homework questions and answers library Search Browse Browse by subject Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors are standing by Ask a questio...
Secondary meaning shows that the mark has some meaning to the public beyond the obvious meaning of the terms or images of mark itself. In other words, if the primary significance of the mark in the consuming public’s mind has become the source of the goods or services, rather than the ...
Secondary sources interpret, critique, or analyze primary sources.Creators of secondary sources look at primary sources, develop meaning from them, and create their own analysis of the primary source. Secondary sources can include: reviews essays ...
The meaning of SECONDARY SEX CHARACTERISTIC is a physical characteristic (such as the breasts of a female mammal or the breeding plumage of a male bird) that appears in members of one sex at puberty or in seasonal breeders at the breeding season and is n