A Study of Techno - Pedagogical skills of Secondary school Hindi teachers working in KeralaPradeep Kumar S.LIJARIIE
Exams are one means to bring out students’ knowledge, interests, capacity, and potential in today’s competitive environment. To advance to the next grade, students must pass a school-wide examination. Aside from this school-level exam, several competitive exams are held nationally and globally ...
National Means Cum Merit Scholarship Examinations LPT Exams (Telugu, Urdu, Hindi) Overview of the AP SSC Board 2022-23 Here is an overview of the AP Class 10 Board: Exam Name AP SSC Exam 2023 Conducted by Board of Secondary Education Of Andhra Pradesh (BSEAP) Exam Dates March/April, 2023...
Table 3 depicts the value calculated between means of creativity scores of Private (Urban) school and female students. The table 3 indicates that in comparison to Private Urban school male student (M=23.16) scored higher mean value than their counterpart female students (M=20.60). But the„t...
Ageratum conyzoides (Billy goat weed) is typically known as Jangli pudina or appa grass in Hindi, Mentrasto in Portuguese, Mejorana in Spanish, and Igbo in West Africa [22]. The word “Ageratum” originated from the Greek word \”a geras\”, which means “non-aging” and speaks to th...
Salute to Achievers of JEE MAIN - Wishes poured in from every nook & corner over the students of Grade XII (Session 2022-23), who scored high percentile in JEE MAIN 2023. The school fraternity extends heartfelt congratulationsto all the achievers and wishes that they will get admission in ...
doi:10.26389/AJSRP.K010818Al-Omri, Khalid Ahmad HindiAhmed, Mamdouh AliJournal of Educational & Psychological Sciences