一般说secondary school 是包含我们的初中和高中的,从12岁开始到18岁。secondary后面就是college大学了。另外,要么secondary school 要么high school (前者多见英英,后者美英)。 初中可以是junior high/junior secondary。在英国,初中:junior middle school,高中:senior middle school,中学统称为middle sc...
First, exposure to the current primary andsecondary educationfor lack of personality psychology. 其一, 暴露了目前中小学心理人格教育的缺失. 期刊摘选 I had to leave school to seek a living before I finished mysecondary education. 我中学没毕业就去谋生了. ...
英英释义 education beyond the elementary grades; provided by a high school or college preparatory school 访问沪江小D查看secondary education的更多详细解释>相关短语 readjust faculties and specialities (教育) 调整科类结构和专业设置 Taoism (中国主要宗教之一) 道教 vitamin(e) R (为鸡发育所必需的) 维生素...
Everyone in our experience collected from the primary, secondary, high school or college of learning, through teacher lecture us access to knowledge, therefore, today's classroom education is the main way to acquire knowledge, but equally important the knowledge of extra-curricular, With the emergen...
Please state the awards and scholarships obtained during yoursecondary schooleducation. 请填写就读中学期间所获得的学业奖项及奖学金. 期刊摘选 Secondary schoolmeans junior school and high school. 中学是指初中和高中. 《简明英汉词典》 Graduate from technicalsecondary school, major in electrical design. ...
这个术语包括但不限于传统的大学教育(universityor college education),也包括职业学院(vocational ...
初中可以是junior high/junior secondary。在英国,初中:junior middle school,高中:senior middle school,中学统称为middle school。在美国,初中:middle school(注意英美的不同),高中:high school(不要错误地理解为是“大学,高校”的意思,高等教育应该说成是higher education)。junior/senior high school是中国人“发明...
美国的 Secondary School 对应于我国的初中与高中即三年制初中+三年制高中,共六个学年。Primary School 对应于我国的小学,也是六学年。因此,只需要提供初中及高中的第学年的学期考评成绩即可——分别到原初中以及现高中学校的教务处(科、或办公室),讲明是到美国上大学所需,该请求便会得到正确响应...
在维多利亚州,大部份提供中学课程的公立学校都称为高校(High School),但某些则称为中等学校(Secondary College)。… zh.wikipedia.org|基于5个网页 3. 中等职业学校 有些州和区有11年和12年的中等职业学校(secondary college)。前10 年的教育是义务教育(compulsoryeducation)。
aPost-secondary education, better known as "college" in the United States, is generally governed separately from the elementary and high school system, and is described in a separate section below. 高中后教育,著名作为“学院”在美国,在一个分开的部分分开地一般被治理与基本和高中系统和如下被描述。