必应词典为您提供second-preimage-resistance的释义,网络释义: 抗拒第二事先描绘的特性;抗次原像攻击能力;
这代表可能存在不同输入但是对应相同输出,只要无法在多项式时间内以不可忽略概率找到即可满足条件。对于h'(x),如果仅仅存在一组碰撞值,对于一个敌手找到这组碰撞的概率依然是1/2^l 是一个可忽略概率,依然满足collision resistant的条件。所以对于这个函数的构造方式,不足以证明不满足是Collision Resistant 却满足 ...
There is a well-known gap between second-preimage resistance and preimage resistance for length-preserving hash functions. This paper introduces a simple concept that fills this gap. One consequence of this concept is that tight reductions can remove interactivity for multi-target length-preserving ...
Second-preimage resistanceWe propose a new construction for Merkle authentication trees which does not require collision resistant hash functions; in contrast with previous constructions that attempted to avoid the dependency on collision resistance, our technique enjoys provable security assuming the well-...
Our security proofs are extremely simple. We show for instance that the claims of the designers of Haifa regarding second preimage resistance are valid. Lastly, we give arguments that proofs of second preimage resistance by a black-box reduction incur an unavoidable security loss....
Whirlwind is a keyless AES-like hash function that adopts the Sponge model. According to its designers, the function is designed to resist most of the recent cryptanalytic attacks. In this paper, we evaluate the second preimage resistance of the Whirlwind hash function. More precisely, we apply...
second-preimage resistanceWe consider basic notions of security for cryptographic hash functions: collision resistance, preimage resistance, and second-preimage resistance. We give seven different definitions that correspond to these three underlying ideas, and then we work out all of the implications and...
Linicrypt (Carmer & Rosulek, Crypto 2016) refers to the class of algorithms that make calls to a random oracle and otherwise manipulate values via fixed linear operations. We give a characterization of collision-resistance and second-preimage resistance for a significant class of Linicrypt programs...
Second preimage resistance is the property of a hash function that it is computationally infeasible to find any second input that has the same output as a given input. This property is related to ...doi:10.1007/0-387-23483-7_372B. Preneel...
Many applications using cryptographic hash functions do not require collision resistance, but some kind of preimage resistance. That's also the reason why the widely used SHA-1 continues to be recommended in all applications except digital signatures after 2010. Recent work on preimage and second ...