美 英 un.二阶差分 网络二阶微分;二次差分 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 二阶差分 例句 更多例句筛选
kilocharacters/second 每秒千字符(=KCS)通常用来表示资料的传输速率。 cycles/second phr. 每秒周数 formula transformation 公式变换 speed transformation 变速装置 difference product 差积 最新单词 chain operation system是什么意思 连锁运作体系 chain of stirred tanks怎么翻译及发音 串联搅拌釜 chain of ...
1. 二阶差分方程 什么意思... ... second order difference equation 二阶差分方程 Image sequences second-difference 序列图像二次差分 ... dict.youdao.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,二阶差分方程 更多例句筛选 1. Asymptotic behavior of solutions for nonlinear perturbations of linear second order...
second-order difference equation是什么意思 second-order difference equation在线翻译 second-order difference equation什么意思 second-order difference equation的意思 second-order difference equation的翻译 second-order difference equation的解释 second-order difference equation的发音 second-order difference equation的...
2) boundary value problems for second order difference equations 二阶差分方程边值问题 1. Existence of solutions of boundary value problems for second order difference equations under barrier strips conditions; 障碍带条件下二阶差分方程边值问题的可解性 更多例句>> 3) self adjoint eigenvalue ...
Moreover, the proposed approximation is applied to a fractional diffusion equation with fractional substantial derivative in time. With the use of the fourth-order compact scheme in space, we give a fully discrete Gr\"{u}nwald-Letnikov-formula-based compact difference scheme and prove its ...
Firstly, we introduced the L2-1σ formula with convergence order O(τ3−α) to approximate the Caputo fractional derivative for the temporal discretization and the second-order weighted and shifted Grünwald difference formula to approximate the Riesz fractional derivative for the spatial discretization...
Explicit second-order upwind difference schemes in combination with spatially symmetric schemes can produce larger stability bounds and better numerical resolution than symmetric schemes alone. However, if conservation form is essential, a special operator is required for transition between schemes. An opera...
We apply an exponential time integration scheme combined with a central difference scheme on a piecewise uniform mesh with respect to the spatial variable to evaluate a generalized Black-Scholes equation. We show that the scheme is second-order convergent for both time and spatial variables. It is...
where the only difference between these and the actual KKT conditions is the second line, i.e. complementary slackness. Note that ast \rightarrow \infty,1/t \rightarrow 0which brings us closer to the actual KKT conditionu_i \cdot h_i(x) = 0. ...