The article reports that James Holland has signed a deal with book publisher Transworld to write a series of novels set during the Second World War. The "Verity" sequence will follow the progress of a private in the British army from 1939 to 1945, with the first novel to be published in...
Norman Mailer's war novel The Naked and the Dead (1948)1 offers an instructive visionary 'node' for comparison with the cluster of First World War novels discussed earlier in this book. The first encounter of Dos Passos, Cummings, Stallings and Hemingway had resulted in initial recoil ...
This article considers two works from H.D.'s Second World War writing: The Gift and The Sword Went Out to Sea. In these texts, H.D. situates herself in the context of diverse intimate communities: her spiritualist circle, her partnership with Bryher, her family and previous generations ...
Shows how central the Second World War still is to post-war writing. Focusing on the upsurge of interest in the Second World War in recent British novels, this monograph explores the ways in which secrecy and secret work - including code-breaking, espionage and special operations - have been...
So too, partly because of its temporality, which prevents the kind of extended rational analysis common in novels, the short story is conducive to representing the strange or unseen. In a war that saw the dismantling of the boundaries between ordinary and extraordinary, and living and dead, ...
'Oh what a literary war,' wrote the late Paul Fussell o f 1914-18, sufficiently catholic in his canon to include Ian Hay's The First Hundred Thousand and even Spud Tamson (both 1915) in his Great W a r and Modern M e m o r y (1975). Propaganda and literary effectiveness were ...
Book Review: Scottish Novels of the Second World War : Home fires burn brightReview by David Robinson
Post/Memories of Forced Migration at the End of the Second World War: Novels by Walter Kempowski and Ulrike Draesner Conceptualizing the Coloniality of Migration: On European Settler Colonialism-Migration, Racism, and Migration Policies What Does Exile Have to Do with Us? Academic Freedom in ...
These life-changing bets even found their way into popular novels like "Gone with the Wind,"这种改变人生的赌注,甚至出现在流行小说中,比如《乱世佳人》, where Scarlett O'Hara's father wins an entire plantation in a single hand of poker.斯嘉丽·奥哈拉的父亲用一手扑克牌赢得整个种植园。
Second World WarThis chapter describes the response of evangelical prophecy novels to the crisis of the Second World War. The military conflict compounded the marginalization of evangelicals that had been encoded by the Scopes trial and its implicit articulation of an American modernity. Simultaneously...