man slaying aqua-monster in a flooded-because-of-sea-level-rising-after-global-warming London seriously. At least Rutger Hauer doesn't. You can see he's just having fun in this movie. You can even catch him looking straight into the camara a couple of times, with a tongue in cheek loo...
But also it’s because beer drinkers are a different beast to most wine drinkers. There’s a certain level of—dare I say—zealotism, that means if anyone decides to log on and pan a beer, they can almost certainly expect some flack. This is great. He has pushed this out into a ...
There can’t be a dependable body of knowledge that spawns experts at the same time as you have a totally subjective subject matter. Thankfully, I am reading a bit of Smil these days which may explain where we are. He describes how the quality of information received though individual ...