second power 二次幂 second rank tensor 二级张量 second spinning reel 第二导丝盘 ...|基于13个网页 2. 二阶张量 二阶张量 (second rank tensor) 则是一个具有大小与“两个”方向的物理量。 • 例如:压力张量 (pressure tensor, P ) 是单位面积 …|基于1 个网页...
This chapter is devoted to the study of the characteristic properties of symmetric tensors of rank 2. They represent many physical properties which, in isotropic materials, are described by a simple scalar. The end of this chapter introduces axial vectors, which are antisymmetric tensors of rank...
This chapter is devoted to the study of the characteristic properties of symmetric tensors of rank 2. They represent many physical properties which, in isotropic materials, are described by a simple scalar. The end of this chapter introduces axial vectors, which are antisymmetric tensors of rank...
1) second rank tensor 二级张量 2) developed ore and blocked-out ore 二级矿量 3) two_stage flow 二级流量 1. In this article,on designing PRB7-200/100/25/31 emulsion pump,we adopt the design method oftwo_stage flow,which adopts stage columnar plug structure andtwo_stage flowmethod. ...
groups:Inβx =x1 +x2Inμeg+x3In(μe -μg) + x4Inω2eg/(ω2eg-ω2)(ω2eg-4ω2)where x1 = 81.90, x2 = 1.753, x3 = 0.5678 and x4= 1.21.The second-rank polarizabilitys tensor βxxx of Schiff base compounds synthesized in our laboratory was determined by solvatochromic method....
There is considered the structure of fields of symmetric tensors η generated by the incompatibility operator Ink acting according to the formula Inkη = ▽×η×▽. This operator which is closely related to internal stresses in bodies was considered by Kroner /1/ in application to the ...
This ITK module contains a filter called itk::SplitComponentsImageFilter. This filter generates component images from an itk::Image of, for example, itk::Vector, itk::CovariantVector, or itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor. For more information, see the Insight Journal article: McCormick M. An ITK ...
The sum-over-states quantum formula for the hyperpolarizability is used to illuminate the molecular features necessary for optimizing the second-rank pseudotensor for dipolar molecules including orthogonal moments and high frequency. The example of C 2v, appropriate for Λ-shaped molecules, is ...
where τ′k is the total stress tensor and nk is the local normal unit vector on surface A. The dot product of a tensor of rank two, τ′k, and a vector, nk, is a vector that represents the force acting on the surface of the control volume per unit area. Combining eqs. (3.10)...
Tensors form the foundation of modern machine learning systems. They are come in various flavors of type, rank, and shape. You can manipulate numerical tensors via tensor operations (such as addition, tensor product, or element-wise multiplication), which can be interpreted as encoding geometric...