General discussion, second international meeting on lithium batteries, Paris, April 27, 1984doi:10.1016/0378-7753(85)88040-XJournal of Power Sources
However, there was a bias in ascertaining these patients because the search of C2 deficiency was only performed in patients in whom a deficiency was suspected based on clinical or biological grounds. This explains the high percentage of C2 deficiencies among the samples tested and the high ...
Physio: Sit. Me: Just a second. Check list. Ground tight. Feet arch. Pronation. Neutral pelvis. Straight back. . . Physio(stunned): Sit. Me: I am not finished yet. Got to do it right. Breathe out, ...
Two electrophoretic polymorphisms affecting lens crystallins, designated LEN-1 and LEN-2, have been discovered among inbred strains of mice. Analysis by isoelectric focusing demonstrated that both crystallins are monomeric proteins with isoelectric points at or above pH 7. Both proteins eluted in the...