In the event of a delay in the sale of your previous main residence that causes you to own more than one property temporarily, the higher rate will still apply but you can request a refund provided the sale of the old residence occurs within 3 years of the purchase of the new residence...
During the last 2021 budget in Malta, the stamp duty rate decreased to 1.5% on the first €400,000 of property worth and the income tax on capital gains reduction to 5% on property transactions will not be extended and will expire in June 2022. Moreover, a refund of duty on the ...
(10) such other Trust Fund or property held by the Trust; (c) no instructions shall be given by a Selected Participant (including, without limitation, voting rights) to the Trustee in respect of the Awarded Shares that Rule 17.03(10) have not been vested, and such other properties of ...