5. Line2: Best for basic business phone features Pros Unlimited calls and texts in the US Unlimited text messages Cons No international calls Pricey additional numbers ($14.99 per line) Lack of business features Buggy Android app (according to user reviews) No shared numbers Line2 is a second...
AddaLine adds additional private phone numbers to your phone. Use the numbers for personal or business purposes. Features include calling, texting, voicemail and many powerful controls. FeaturesLearn more Start your free trial nowGet going in 60 seconds ...
从第一段第四行“is trying to become a neutral provider of mobile technology to rivals”,以及最后一段第一句“Burgess said the new business will not conflict with Motorola’s own mobile phone business.”可以看出选项B的意思在文中全有体现。第一段开头说“Motorola,the world’s second-largest mobile...
Line2 is the most affordable, reliable & simple way to set up a second phone number and connect anywhere! Get a second line & access unlimited calls, text & voi…
Burgess said the new business will not conflict with Motorola’s own mobile phone business because the latter will remain competitive by offering advanced features and designs. Motorola’s phones have been criticized as being too complicated and expensive to manufacture, but Burgess said Motorola will...
Get a second phone number from EasyLine for your business. Easily organize your business calls, texts, voicemails and contacts. Separate your business from personal life without another device.
Private line for text & calls The app adds flexibility: you don’t have to buy additional SIM cards and swap them if you want to use another number. You can start using Second Phone Number right now with your first number. You can keep this number as long as you like and add more ...
Your needs for phone and text to do your business or personal interests are so easy to address, almost instantly. You focus on your business, while Business Lin…
Whether you need a disposable number or an additional line for work or personal use, these apps offer a range of features, including call forwarding, customizable voicemail greetings, auto-reply texts, and integration with popularmail apps. Here are the best second-phone number apps to consider:...
For employers, they can more easily onboard teammates because they don’t have to purchase and configure new equipment for new hires. New employees can easily add a business line to a cell phone. Say goodbye to desk phones and outdated telephony services and hello to the modern world of VoI...