Can I explore Second Life without social interaction?Yes, you can enjoy the virtual world at your own pace and choose how much you want to interact with others.AlternativesDecentraland: A blockchain-based virtual world where users can create, own, and monetize their content.VRChat: A virtual ...
Life, the limited time we get to visit earth was put into perspective, forcing me to take long walks, enjoy sunsets, and learn to appreciate all the tiny details of life. The experience has been amazing, I have never paused to learn to love me, always pouring all I have into the work...
Home Games Second Life Games Like Second Life Genres: Graphics: 3D Labels: Virtual WorldSandbox GameBuildingSocialAvatarTeens Platforms: Publishers: Linden Lab Games Like Second LifeSansar Complex VR Altspace VR VRChat Minecraft Bean VR Rec Room Voxelus vTime ...
UPDATED: Playing Barbie in Second LifeHOUSEKEEPING NOTICE: I am off sick from work today, treating a pinched nerve in my neck with rest, heat, some strong painkillers, and muscle relaxants, which is another reason why I have gone missing from this blog. My body is a bit of a mess ...
曾经被认为是《Second Life(第二人生)》的续作,社交VR平台Sansar似乎无预兆下线,且官方没有为此作出任何解释。现在Sansar官网可重新访问和登录。 图源:推特 数小时内该平台的官方网站都无法访问,如果试图通过Steam启动实际体验,它也无法连接。Sansar的社交账号还没有就此事发表官方声明。事实上,用户在它的Discord频道一直...
There are hundreds of very good reasons to vote for Kamala Harris and vote against Donald Trump. But even if you are only thinking about the future well-being of your favorite virtual world/metaverse platform, and the user communities in them — be it Second Life, Fortnite, VRChat, or man...
Over the past couple of months, as a way to relax during a stressful time in my life, I have been slowly cleaning through and reorganizing the inventory of what has become my main Second Life avatar, Vanity Fair (I talk a bit about that here). After almost 18 years, Vanity has almost...
Never got that from any other metaverse I've tried so far, not even VRChat. Never had an issue with the learning curve of SL. Mechanically, SL isn't much different from playing RPG's or flight simulators IMO. That's why I got that part quickly. It's the creative end of things ...
To be clear, this is not to criticize the Second Life creative community at all; I am always excited to see the latest amazing avatar portraits curated by Cajsa. The market for ultra-realistic human avatars may be a niche, but it's an impressively creative niche all the same. ...
由Second Life创始人Philip Rosedale创立的VR社交应用High Fidelity最近推出了一款名为Avatar Island——世界首家可存储数字资产的虚拟商店。尽管购买虚拟帽子、衣服等其他东西对于游戏玩家来说算不上什么新鲜事儿,但High Fidelity的意义在于:创建加密虚拟货币,以及采用基于区块链的分类账系统管理这些数字货币,而这两者皆在...