Second Life's official website. Second Life is a free 3D virtual world and original metaverse where users can create, connect, and chat with others from around the world using voice and text.
DOWNLOAD Second Life Viewer Click to load comments This enables Disqus, Inc. to process some of your data. Disqus privacy policy Rate it: 2.4/5 (92 Votes) Add to watchlist Add to download basket Send us an update Report runs on: Windows file size: 105 MB filename: ...
Second Life第二人生虚拟世界交友是一款通过由Linden实验室开发的一个可下载的客户端程序,一个基于因特网的虚拟世界,在2006年末和2007年初由于主流新闻媒体的报道而受到广泛的关注。用户在游戏里叫做“居民”, 可以通过可运动的虚拟化身互相交互。这套程序还在一个通常的元宇宙的基础上提供了一个高层次的社交网络服务。
viewer技术问题..我现在只能登录到 last location,进去后不能tp到其他任何地方,一tp就会失去连接自动登出求助
What's new in Second Life Second Life Viewer - ForeverFPS: With this release we are continuing to refine performance and fix crashes. We are monitoring performance metrics broadly and for discrete GPUs with the goal of improving FPS “forever”. ...
本吧热帖: 1-【SecondLife】相关问题汇总与交流 2-贴吧管理规定及部分游戏问题解决,新人必看 3-好久不登,再登发现被盗号了 4-求助大佬!买了个皮肤,然后在库存里找不到了! 5-viewer技术问题求助 6-请问一下这个爬虫验证在哪里 7-存图~ 8-一些修图模板 9-萌新求助喵 10-
各种客户端,自己选吧。 1、Firestorm | Phoenix 下载地址 (烈焰风暴和凤凰客户端) 2、Catznip 下载地址 3、Imprudence 下载地址 4、 Exodus 下载地址 ...
Second Life (SL) was started byLinden Labin 2003. At first glance, it appears to be one of those massive multiplayer online role-playing games, minus the aspect of winning or losing. However, the short videoIntroduction to Second Lifewill dispel that. SL differs in that residents have near...
Software Solution Providers Individuals or companies with in-house programming expertise who offer customization and enhancement of the Second Life Viewer source code or can build products and services which use Second Life's APIs, including...
Second Life is accessed with its client software, also known as a "viewer". The client connects to the Second Life Grid, a cluster of machines running the server software. Third-party clients, most of them based on the (almost) open-source official client, are popular among users. ...